Sunday, May 3, 2009

Saving energy......power minister's style

I come back home and turn on the tele and there he is ... a smile on his face...starched clothes... that smile glorified by the many thousand watt lights and he is standing there telling me that i should turn off that extra light that i installed in the street so that next time someone shouldn't trip and fall into that gaping main hole.....hhmmm good idea 

i listen intently to his golden piece of advice ..he delivers a great lecture and lays down some responsibilities for the people ...we have to save energy he says!!  and he has some great plans.... lets shut down all the useless appliances starting with that microphone he's using...he's repeating that same speech everyday so whats the use of the now lets decide whats next...hhmmm lets switch off all the street lights.. the people have become so trained to continue their lives in the dark... they'll surely manage walking in the streets and driving on roads ..... now lets look around what else is wasting energy......ah well its my I'm turning it off ...this post will have to stop here.......



    just a thought after going through your blog. do read
