Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I am going somewhere....

I want to write, i have been trying to write but whatever i am feeling, comprehending and learning everyday from life just brings me to one conclusion i am going somewhere i am in a journey! In a state of transition, like a drop slowly crystallizing, like a comet moving through the vastness of space! Continuously moving, just knowing its going somewhere.
Don't know when the journey is gonna end, don't know when the next milestone will arrive, when the next small stop to get directions will appear on the horizon. Like a caravan moving through the chilly desert night just navigating its way by looking at the stars without surely knowing where its heading i am moving through each day.
You know when the chilly winter breeze blows past your face, it creates that chill, but if you stay in it long enough, slowly you'll adapt, slowly your senses will numb, you may catch a cold later but for that brief period of time your senses, your body and your mind adapt! May be the winds been hitting me long enough, may be i am adapting. But i will walk till i reach there, don't know where i am going but i am going somewhere...