Thursday, April 7, 2011

Will We Survive?

Sometime back i wrote a post on my blog and mentioned that the social fabric of Pakistani society was stretched to the limit and any further tension and the whole deck of cards would collapse.A revolution that only leads us from one tyranny to another is not what we need and not something we can afford, we need a change of system and ideas to bring betterment and for that the people need to unite and work out a plan. That piece never reached the masses though (writing a small blog and thinking it would reach the masses is wishful thinking indeed), but now when i look around i think it would have been worth a read for our nation because as the situation stands today the only logical question that comes to mind is, will we survive? Will we be able to grasp tightly at the last shreds of sovereignty, or whatever is left of it? Will we survive as a nation. The events that are ever unfolding all around us make me think, i am sure they make you think as well. Where are we headed for?, We are already under the burden of huge foreign debts, but it does not seem to be the case look at our elite rulers, there way of life put Arab princes to shame. The tall claims that this is a government for the people go up in smoke when a poor man dies in an ambulance because somewhere in the close proximity one minister has to pass. And yes those lovely adds that tell us how lousy taxpayers we are! look around the world they stack their national exchequer with taxes of all sorts, so the many geniuses that form the core of our elite decide upon a simple and very workable solution, those who are not paying any taxes will never pay so need to waste any energy on them (its is so hard to find oneself at fault) and those many who pay taxes because they are deducted from their meager salaries even before they can get a sniff of payday, well lets just tax them a bit more. So there you have it a simple and very workable formula to increase tax collection! When comparing the tax collection everyone just puts a blind eye to what citizens of other states get in return but well that is happening here also there are tax payers and there are people who enjoy the benefits., Now another good news for the people due to increase in POL prices now you get to live in London even if your home is in Chechu ki Malia, at least the price of edibles suggests so! And now we come to the two most major areas that every government, dictator and nazim promises to solve ah yes the much talked about health and education. For the time being the government and the doctors both seem to be living in their own worlds whereas in the real world 34 people have passed away but well isn't that collateral damage. As for education well how dare people who know nothing of governance and how it should be done question the academic qualifications of those who govern, after all a degree is a degree whats the big deal if its real or forged, so now our poor lawmakers left with no choice had to strike down this institute of evil and in due time they would bid farewell to the last memory of the dictator HEC. With all this and more mayhem to follow when the President of Pakistan looks to take corrective action against history via the Supreme court (timing is just not his thing), my question and question in everyone's mind will remain will we survive? I found the answer in a strange way, on the eve of the India Pakistan world cup semi final i went about searching for Punjabis, Pathans, Mohajirs, doctors on strike, bribe consuming policeman but i found none all i found was Pakistanis unified by one man who is neither an elected president nor a PM not even a restored chief justice, it was the Pakistan cricket team captain!, Adversity has always brought the best out of this nation but what we truly need is a leader who can inspire, who is real life who is believable and who laughs and cries! We need a man we can trust and believe in what, we truly need to survive is a cause and a leader possessed by that cause, if we can do that we will survive!, Sometime back i wrote a post on my blog and mentioned that the social fabric of Pakistani society was stretched to the limit and any further tension and the whole deck of cards would collapse.A revolution that only leads us from one tyranny to another is not what we need and not something we can afford, we need a change of system and ideas to bring betterment and for that the people need to unite and work out a plan. That piece never reached the masses though (writing a small blog and thinking it would reach the masses is wishful thinking indeed), but now when i look around i think it would have been worth a read for our nation because as the situation stands today the only logical question that comes to mind is, will we survive? Will we be able to grasp tightly at the last shreds of sovereignty, or whatever is left of it? Will we survive as a nation. The events that are ever unfolding all around us make me think, i am sure they make you think as well. Where are we headed for?, We are already under the burden of huge foreign debts, but it does not seem to be the case look at our elite rulers, there way of life put Arab princes to shame. The tall claims that this is a government for the people go up in smoke when a poor man dies in an ambulance because somewhere in the close proximity one minister has to pass. And yes those lovely adds that tell us how lousy taxpayers we are! look around the world they stack their national exchequer with taxes of all sorts, so the many geniuses that form the core of our elite decide upon a simple and very workable solution, those who are not paying any taxes will never pay so need to waste any energy on them (its is so hard to find oneself at fault) and those many who pay taxes because they are deducted from their meager salaries even before they can get a sniff of payday, well lets just tax them a bit more. So there you have it a simple and very workable formula to increase tax collection! When comparing the tax collection everyone just puts a blind eye to what citizens of other states get in return but well that is happening here also there are tax payers and there are people who enjoy the benefits., Now another good news for the people due to increase in POL prices now you get to live in London even if your home is in Chechu ki Malia, at least the price of edibles suggests so! And now we come to the two most major areas that every government, dictator and nazim promises to solve ah yes the much talked about health and education. For the time being the government and the doctors both seem to be living in their own worlds whereas in the real world 34 people have passed away but well isn't that collateral damage. As for education well how dare people who know nothing of governance and how it should be done question the academic qualifications of those who govern, after all a degree is a degree whats the big deal if its real or forged, so now our poor lawmakers left with no choice had to strike down this institute of evil and in due time they would bid farewell to the last memory of the dictator HEC. With all this and more mayhem to follow when the President of Pakistan looks to take corrective action against history via the Supreme court (timing is just not his thing), my question and question in everyone's mind will remain will we survive? I found the answer in a strange way, on the eve of the India Pakistan world cup semi final i went about searching for Punjabis, Pathans, Mohajirs, doctors on strike, bribe consuming policeman but i found none all i found was Pakistanis unified by one man who is neither an elected president nor a PM not even a restored chief justice, it was the Pakistan cricket team captain!, Adversity has always brought the best out of this nation but what we truly need is a leader who can inspire, who is real life who is believable and who laughs and cries! We need a man we can trust and believe in what, we truly need to survive is a cause and a leader possessed by that cause, if we can do that we will survive!