Monday, December 16, 2013

A dedication...

the journey of separation begins in seconds and the evolves into minutes, hours and days. Till one day the count reaches to years, years a unit of time that seem infinite yet in a blink they are gone. As Khalid Husseini aptly put it, "time is a cruel thing, sometimes it keeps all the details with itself". Then what are we left with? Vivid visions, incoherent recollections, untouchable sensations! Time can take away the details but the bond, the link it lasts. It was always meant to be timeless, always meant to challenge the power of time. So no matter what time puts us through and keeps for itself, it can never take away from us the feeling of welcoming a bond, and the sweet pain of the moment when it is finally time to say goodbye...

I can hardly believe, it already been a year. The feeling lingers, that cold winter night still finds a way deep into the soul. It lingers, it lasts...

Dedicated to my father, who passed away on 15th December 2012!

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