Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Search For Happiness...

The sun was slowly dipping below the horizon, completing its journey another time. A cool and refreshing breeze beckoned the arrival of spring, i could feel it calling.Spring is a season of rebirth and of joy, it is a time when life begins afresh. Every soul is touched by the magic of spring but sometimes like a badly bruised wound, even the healing power of spring cannot relieve the soul of its pain.
 Our soul is like a castle with strong brick walls of ego and selfishness, but even in those walls small windows of compassion, love and kindness exist. These windows are the only inlets of the light of happiness and peace. Happiness is like the spring sunshine, bright and full of comforting warmth. Peace is like the scent of flowers in full bloom, serene. These emotions on which are soul thrives, can only find a way beyond the brick walls if the windows are open. They may be present in abundance outside but if we chose to close the windows of our soul, there will only be darkness and decay inside.
 The trouble is that these windows can only be opened from the inside, if we continue to shut them tightly the glass becomes tinted and only the light we want to see can come inside. But happiness should be experienced as a whole and not in parts. When can chose to stay in the dark and keep the windows shut but one day a storm will come along and rattle the windows and shatter the walls. Then happiness will find a way through but only as hope, just a means to rebuild. And yet if we do not value it, there is no castle, no walls and no windows. We cease to exist for our soul is dead! Pain and pleasure become meaningless and there is no differentiation between darkness and light. Before that day comes, open your windows and breathe the fresh air.
Happiness is not something you have to search for outside, you just have to open the windows inside! You can not go looking for it, it will come to you but only if you want it to!

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