Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Perfect Moment...

We are all guilty of waiting for the perfect moment to arrive. Yet our standards of perfection are so vague that countless moments pass us by unnoticed. A bit of effort and we may not get that perfect moment but what we will have is a beautiful moment. Perfection will always be too elusive and huge to be encompassed by a mere moment, unless an eye that truly sees gazes at that moment. We all wait and then one day we realize that to live, a continuum of beautiful moments may have sufficed. If we could have truly felt that continuum, we may well have felt perfection. But we are guilty of waiting!
And when enough moments have passed, we can wait no more. We want to but we cannot and then it ends without the bliss of having ever felt beauty or perfection. Yet we still wait for that perfect moment, yes we all still do...


  1. Very rightly said and beautifully put to Words, but still this is one aspect of the reality. If one stops waiting for the perfect moment, how does one make sure one is not setting the bar too low. We can only judge that a monent was Beautiful one only when it is in the past, and we face a tougher present.

  2. answer to this perhaps is that one should stop comparing and worrying about future !!! and be satisfied what they have, Live fully in the present ????

  3. I couldnt agree more! I wonder how many worthy a monents we miss just waiting for dat perfect blissful moment to happen! The sad part is that we probably dont even realize what we ve missed untill its gone....human nature huh? The grass is always greener on the other side!
