Sunday, March 29, 2009

Watching it going down the drain......silently

Water... the basic element for the existence and survival of life anywhere.....yet nature distributed it in its own unique way..there are places engulfed by water and places where a glass full is a blessing. When distributing this great treasure nature was kind to us,we live in a land of five rivers ... these rivers like veins carry life to every part of our land. When the blood flow stops, life comes to an end and death reins supreme....... for centuries these rivers have nurtured life, culture and traditions in this land but now as the blood flow weakens it is affecting the very basis of life. We watch this calamity taking place before our very eyes yet we chose to remain silent..... have we ever thought what is the reason that our riverbeds are becoming barren deserts......why our carriers of life are struggling for their own existence? 
 The analogy to veins makes the answer easier to explain......when jackals kill a strong prey they attack the jugular and then slowly the strength is sapped and the prey is ask why this land is weakening??? the answer is simple its jugular is in the clutches of jackals that are slowly sapping away its strength...trying to bring it to an end.....whether they succeed or not.... only time and the decisions we make will dictate the result.
Our source of life...the precious water is being stolen, diverted and stored as we silently watch, doing nothing but making weak protests by playing around with words while the enemy is making its actions speak louder than words. 
There's an old saying that a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend but in our case we are in a dilemma who's the enemy here ??? those fools that sit and watch the enemy have its way with something that belongs to this nation and its people or the wise enemy who is slowly sapping our strength.
Have as many composite dialogues as you want but if you forget the very cause of the disease , how do you intend to cure it?? Many many years ago a man, whom we have confined to wall hangings had told us that Kashmir is our jugular vein....but like many of his other sayings we have forgotten this one as well.......but even more pain full is the fact that our leaders have forgotten that without freeing the jugular from the enemies clutches there will be no life future!!!  May be there future is not linked to the existence of this land but where will you and i go and where will the 16 million people go, most of whom are ignorant of the approaching is time we speak up and let our leaders know that we will not let linguistic differences,  inter provincial hatred and the politics of greed make us forget this very serious and realistic is time to wake up and stop watching out future and life going down the drain....stop being silent and doing nothing it is time we gathered all the strength and intelligence we have and try to free our jugular from the clutches of the enemy.The vultures are already flexing their muscles to have a feast once the jackals have ravaged the lifeless carcass. Our source of life and existence is linked to our actions....and for all those who chose to remain silent for whatever reason i quote "In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends".

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